personalized Remote coaching and programming tailored to fit your movement goals and lifestyle

What I Offer:

  • Highly-skilled and thorough remote movement analysis

  • Specialized one-on-one movement coaching for both functional and performance-related goals

  • Personalized exercise programming

  • Available for between-session messaging and video analysis


About Me.png

Abel Romero, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Abel is the owner of Movement Intelligence, which provides remote movement coaching, physical therapy, and performance training services. At his core, Abel considers himself a movement coach and educator. In addition to being a PT, Abel is a yoga instructor, a Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) certified practitioner, former collegiate athlete, student of evolutionary and developmental biology, and a husband and father of two young girls, all of which combine to guide his approach to teaching movement.


His mission is to guide people to empowerment to their highest potential of function, longevity, and fun through movement. As for his own movement practices, Abel grew up playing anything and everything involving a ball, which he still enjoys messing around with to this day. His current passion is movement in nature - running trails, climbing rocks, and swinging in trees. He enjoys trying to hone bodyweight skills like handstands and muscle-ups, as well as struggling with newer endeavors like martial arts and certain types of dance.