saturday, may 1 @ 9:00-10:15AM PST

COST: $40

learn to move the way your body was designed

Watch a toddler effortlessly hang out in a full squat and play with a toy, or a 5-year-old glide across the monkey bars. We are born with a beautifully intricate trajectory of movement preprogrammed into us, which has been shaped by millions of years of evolution within natural environments. From shoes, to chairs, to pavement and cars, and every wonderful piece of technology in between, our movement has become increasingly less full, frequent, complex, and various. As a result, we have become increasingly stiffened, weakened, deactivated, and disconnected throughout our entire bodies.

The good news is we all have the power within us to reconnect ourselves to that programming, and it can be done with simple strategies that we can access anywhere and anytime. This course is designed to reconnect your body to that incredibly intelligent programming, step-by-step from the foundation on up. 

What you will take away

  • A variety of breath skills & strategies

  • Enhanced body awareness

  • More refined muscle control in a variety of postures

  • Improved stability and control at your various “cores”

  • More active glutes!

  • How to challenge balance and coordination, and why that is important.

  • A safe introduction to speed/power training

  • Specific strategies for how to train and progress recreational exercise routines.

How the series works

  • One (1) 75-minute Zoom session

  • Primarily participatory movement training, with a small portion being discussion-based.

  • A gradual progression of movement training with respect to the amount of motion, postural demand, and complexity.

  • Ample optional Q&A time for both general and specific questions.

  • Access to daily exercise programming for 1 week following the class to help cement the skills via the TruCoach App.

About Me.png

More about Abel

In addition to being a PT, Abel is a yoga instructor, former collegiate athlete, student of evolutionary and developmental biology, and a husband and father of two young girls, all of which combine to guide his approach to teaching movement.


Abel Romero, DPT

Doctor of Physical therapy

Abel is the owner of Movement Intelligence, which provides movement coaching, physical therapy, and performance training services. At his core, Abel considers himself an educator and strives to empower people to their highest potential of function, longevity, and fun through movement.
